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Continue to reach new heights by completing these additional learning experiences.  Although they are not a required part of our GO FOR THE GOLD summer reading program, they will help you build your Olympic knowledge and exercise your brain over the summer. Choose activities that will challenge you!  You can do it!!

As you are watching the summer games, keep track of the medal count for each country.  After the final ceremony, create a bar graph, line plot, or pictograph of the data. 

Think about the characteristics of an “ideal” Olympic athlete.  Use these characteristics to create a wanted poster.  Be creative!

The Olympic rings represent excellence and encourage all athletes to strive to do their best.  Write about a time that you did your best, even when it was difficult.   

Run laps around your home, car, neighborhood park, etc.  After each lap, record a word or phrase that describes yourself on a notecard. 

The Olympic rings are red, black, yellow, green and red.  Look around and make a list of things that are these colors. 

Research a country participating in the Summer Olympics.  Create a travel brochure to share with your friends and family about the country. 

Brainstorm an idea for a new Olympic event.  Write a persuasive letter to the Olympic committee, convincing them to add the event to the next summer Olympic games. 

Create a crossword puzzle with Olympic words. (athlete, country, medals, etc.) 

Use puzzle maker to create it online! 


Create an Olympic windsock

Step 1: Draw or paste pictures to represent the Olympics on a 9x4 paper.

Step 2: Roll the paper and glue or staple together. 

Step 3: Tie on pictures of the different Olympic events on the bottom, attach strings and hang up.

Visit the public library and use the Somerset Online Resources to help complete the activites below!

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